BOSTON $ GENERAL EDWARD LAWRENCE LOGAN INTL (BOS) 1 E UTC-5(-4DT) 20 S4 UEL 100LL, JET A OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LRA ARFF Index E RWY 15R-33L: H10,081X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-200, D-200, DT-400, DDT-800 HIRL CL RWY 15R: MALS. TDZ. VASI(V4L)--GA 3¡TCH 58'. Thld dsplcd 880'. Pole. RWY 33L: MALSR. TDZ. VASI(V4R)--GA 3¡TCH 59'. Boat. RWY 04R-22L: H10,005X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-200, D-350, DT-400, DDT-800 HIRL CL RWY 04R: ALSF2. TDZ. Thld dsplcd 1155'. Boat. RWY 22L: MALSF. Thld dsplcd 1199'. Boat. RWY 04L-22R: H7860X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-200, D-200, DT-400, DDT- 800 HIRL RWY 04L: REIL. Boat. RWY 22R: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 55'. Thld dsplcd 815'. Boat. RWY 09-27: H7000X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-200, D-200, DT-400, DDT- 800 HIRL CL RWY 09: Boat. RWY 27: REIL. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 59'. Boat. RWY 15L-33R: H2557X100 (ASPH) MIRL AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. CAUTION: Birds on and in vicinity of arpt. Landing fee. Rwy15R-33L is preferential night rwy between 0500-1100Z||. International ramp arrivals must obtain a gate assignment from international ramp control before entering ramp area. No remaining overnight parking for non-tenant charter acft without prior Massport permission. Terminal E arrivals must obtain a gate assignment before entering ramp area on frequency 131.1. For noise abatement procedures call 617-561-1636 1400-2200Z|| Mon-Fri. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE--Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 135.0 617-567-0160. UNICOM 122.95 BRIDGEPORT FSS (BDR) TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE BOS. BOSTON RCO 122.4 122.1R 112.7T (BRIDGEPORT FSS) (R) BOSTON APP CON 120.6 (South) 127.2 (West) 118.25 (North) (R)BOSTON DEP CON 133.0 BOSTON TOWER 128.8 (ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE Rwy 04L-22R) (ARRIVAL Rwy 15R and Rwy 15L/DEPARTURE Rwy 15R) 121.75 (Helicopters) 119.1 (ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE Rwy 04R-22L and Rwy 09-27), (ARRIVAL Rwy 33R and Rwy 33L/DEPARTURE Rwy 33L). GND CON 121.9 CLNC DEL 121.65 PRE-TAXI CLNC 121.65 GATE CON 134.05 TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE BOS. BOSTON (H) VORTAC 112.7 BOS Chan 74 42¡21'26"N 70¡59'24"W at fld. 20/16W. LYNDY NDB (H-SAB/LOM) 382 [X] LQ 42¡27'07"N 70¡57'50"W 215¡ 5.6 NM to fld. HULLZ NDB (LOM) 346 LI 42¡18'11"N 70¡55'21"W 331¡ 5.2 NM to fld. MILTT NDB (LOM) 375 BO 42¡16'25"N 71¡02'59"W 036¡ 5.8 NM to fld. ILS/DME 110.3 I-BOS Chan 40 Rwy 04R. LOM MILTT NDB. ILS/DME 110.3 I-LQN Chan 40 Rwy 22L. LOM LYNDY NDB. ILS 110.7 I-LIP Rwy 33L. LOM HULLZ NDB. BC unusable beyond 025¡NE of course. ILS/DME 111.3 I-DGU Chan 50 Rwy 27. ILS/DME 110.7 I-MDC Chan 44 Rwy 15R. COMM/NAVAID REMARKS: DME Channel 040 located 2171' from stop end Rwy 04R and 260' left of centerline is common to Rwy 22L. CHARTS: NEW YORK 42¡21'51"N 71¡00'21"W COPTER H-3D, 6J, L-25D, 28I IAP NEW YORK $ JOHN F KENNEDY INTL (JFK) 11.3 SE UTC-5(-4DT) 40¡38'25"N 73¡46'42"W 13 B S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A, JET A1 + OX 1, 3 LRA ARFF Index E RWY 13R-31L: H14572X150 (ASPH-CONC-GRVD) D-185, DT-550, DDT- 823 HIRL CL RWY 13R: LDIN. VASI(V12). Thld dsplcd 2604'. Rgt tfc. RWY 31L: Thld dsplcd 3323'. Antenna. RWY 04L-22R: H11,351X150 (ASPH-CONC-GRVD) D-185, DT-550,DDT- 823 HIRL CL RWY 04L: REIL. RWY 22R: Thld dsplcd 3019'. Fence. RWY 13L-31R: H10,000X150 (ASPH-GRVD) D-185, DT-550, DDT-823 HIRL CL RWY 13L: LDIN. ALSF1. TDZ. VASI(V12). Thld dsplcd 990'. Road. Rgt tfc. RWY 31R: MALSR. Thld dsplcd 1034'. Antenna. RWY 04R-22L: H8400X150 (ASPH-GRVD) D-185, DT-550, DDT-823 HIRL CL RWY 04R: ALSF2. TDZ. Fence. RWY 22L: MALSR. TDZ. RWY 14-32: H2560X75 (ASPH) MIRL RWY 14: REIL. Antenna. AIRPORT REMARKS: Special Air Traffic Rules--Part 93, High Density Arpt, Prior Reservation Required. Attended continuously. Landing fee. Helicopter ops general aviation terminal and ramp area. Helipad Twy SC between Twy R and Twy S. CLOSED to Fighter-type, Jet and Turbo prop acft except with PPR and to routine Military tfc. Two 15' transmissometer twrs 1200' east of Rwy 13 Llndg thld and 400' north of centerline. Rwy 04R-22L non standard 100' spacing on rwy edge lgts. Pilots change to upper antenna when using Rwy 13R for tkof. Lead-in Rwy 13L uses the 1000' light station of the approach light system only with CRI VOR approaches and is angled toward AQUEDUCT. Also 5 sequence flashing lgts from 1200-2000' and a 5 sequence flashing lgts grouping approximately 1 mile from Rwy plus 1 adjacent forming an approach gate are angled 35¡south of Rwy 13L centerline designed to provide earlier ident of Rwy environment. Lefferts Sections of Rwy 13L Lead-in system consists of 27 flashing ligts located 2500' to 3000' from Rwy 13L thld consists of six sequenced flashing lights spaced 100' apart. Lights monitored by ATCT. Flocks of birds on and in vicinity of airport. All helipads active, ctc twr for clnc. Coded transponder required. General aviation, non based charter and non based commercial aircraft operators must make arrangements for fuel prior to arrival. Phone 718-995- 9760. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See Special Notices-- Operations Reservations for High Density Traffic Airports. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE--Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 128.725 (ARR) 117.7 (Arr NE) 115.4 (Arr- SW) 115.1 (Dep) (718-995-8188). UNICOM 122.95 NEW YORK FSS (ISP) TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE JFK KENNEDY RCO 122.1R 115.9T (NEW YORK FSS) (R) NEW YORK APP CON 127.4 134.35 132.4 126.8 123.7 KENNEDY TOWER 119.1 123.9 GND CON 121.9 121.65 CLNC DEL/PRE TAXI CLNC 135.05 GATE HOLD 125.05 (R) NEW YORK DEP CON 135.9 134.35 124.75 123.7 TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE JFK. (H) VORTAC 115.9 JFK Chan 106 40¡37'59"N 73¡46'25"W at fld. 11/12W. CANARSIE (T) VORW/DME 112.3 CRI Chan 70 40¡36'45"N 73¡53'42"W 041¡ 1.7 NM to lead-in lgt Rwys 13L, 13R, 10/11W. CONDA NDB (MHW/LOM) 373 JF 40¡35'12"N 73¡48'00"W 029¡ 3.4 NM to fld. GRIMM NDB (LOM) 268 RT 40¡35'50.3"N 73¡39'28"W 308¡ 6.1 NM to fld. LORRS NDB (LOM) 226 IW 40¡43'31"N 73¡41'37"W 229¡ 6.4 NM to fld. ILS/DME 109.5 I-JFK Chan 32 RWY 04R LOM CONDA NDB ILS/DME 110.9 I-IWY Chan 46 Rwy 22L LOM LORRS NDB ILS/DME 110.9 I-HIQ Chan 46 Rwy 04L ILS 111.35 I-MOH Chan 46 Rwy 31L ILS 109.5 I-JOC Rwy 22R ILS 111.5 I-RTH Chan 52 Rwy 31R LOM GRIMM NDB. LOC unusable beyond 18¡ inbound left side. ILS 111.5 I-TLK Chan 52 Rwy 13L COMM/NAVAID REMARKS: Tmpry LOC needle aberations may be experienced on ILS apchs to Rwy 04R or 22L due to heavy jet acft in vicinity. Use CAUTION for possible radio interference or false instructions on twr frequencies. CHARTS: NEW YORK COPTER H-6I, L-24H, 25C, 28G IAP $ LA GUARDIA (LGA) 4 E UTC-5(-4DT) 40¡46'38"N 73¡52'23"W 22 B S4 UEL 100LL, JET A OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LRA ARFF Index D RWY 04-22: H7000X150 (ASPH-CONC-GRVD) S-80, D-170, DT-360 HIRL, CL RWY 04: MALSR. Pole. RWY 22: ALSF1. TDZ. REIL. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 52'. RWY 13-31: H7000X150 (ASPH-CONC-GRVD) S-80, D-170, DT-360 HIRL, CL RWY 13: MALSR. REIL. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 48'. Ship. RWY 31: REIL. VASI(V16). Upper--GA 3.0¡ TCH 88'. Lower--GA 2.75¡ TCH 47'. Thld dsplcd 182'. Ship. AIRPORT REMARKS: Special Air Traffic Rules--Part 93, High Density Arpt, Prior Reservation Required. Coded Transponder required. VFR reservation information avbl on ATIS. Attended continuously. Ldg fee. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Open to military conventional acft limited to jet types T-39/TA-3 (VIP)/C-140 only, with prior permission. Flocks of birds on and in vicinity of arpt. Magnetic anomalies may affect compass heading when using extension Rwys 13 and 22 for takeoff. Last pair of TDZ markings not painted on Rwys 04- 22 and 13-31. Rwy 04-22 Northeast 2000' and Rwy 13-31 Northwest 1000' patchy with non-standard grooving. Hold bar markings 250' and hold bar lgts 225' from rwy center line lgt system on taxiways intercepting Rwys 13-31 and 04-22. Taxiways G,P,R and U concrete deck restricted to 5 knot turns, 10 knot straight. Arpt CLOSED July 6, 1990 through Aug 31, 1990; between 0501 and 1135Z|| Mon-Fri to all fixed wing acft operations. Taxiway E CLOSED between taxiway CC and taxiway G, 0230-1200Z||. Taxiway ZA CLOSED ngtly 0400-1200Z|| for acft parking. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See Special Notices--Operations Reservations for High Density Traffic Airports. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE--Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 127.05 (DEP) 125.95 (ARR) UNICOM 122.95 NEW YORK FSS (ISP) TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE LGA (R) NEW YORK APP CON 120.8 132.7 128.8 (Final) 127.3 124.95 118.0 TOWER 118.7 GND CON 121.7 121.85 CLNC DEL 135.2 (132.85 helicopters) PRE-TAXI CLNC 135.2 (R) NEW YORK DEP CON 120.4 124.45 127.05 TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE LGA. (L) VOR/DME 113.1 LGA Chan 78 40¡47'01"N 73¡52'08"W at fld. 15/12W. VOR portion unusable: 010¡-043¡ beyond 16 NM below 3000' 010¡-043¡ beyond 36 NM below 5000' 010¡-043¡ beyond 23 NM below 4000' 044¡-054¡ beyond 18 NM below 3000' J42 (054¡) unusable above FL180 beyond 20 NM 044¡-054¡ beyond 28NM below 4000' 044¡-054¡ beyond 38 NM below 4500' 055¡-067¡ beyond 24 NM below 2500' 055¡-067¡ beyond 35 NM below 7000' 073¡-119¡ beyond 21 NM below 3500' 120¡-149¡ beyond 20 NM below 4500' 120¡-149¡ beyond 30 NM below 3500' 150¡-220¡ beyond 20 Nm below 4500' 221¡-273¡ beyond 24 NM below 3000' 274¡-321¡ beyond 10NM below 3000' 274¡-321¡ beyond 31 NM below 6000' 322¡-337¡ beyond 18 NM below 4000' 322¡-337¡ beyond 30 NM below 7000' 338¡-009¡ beyond 20 NM below 4000' 338¡-009¡ beyond 30 NM below 7000' 055¡-067¡ beyond 25 NM below 4500' 068¡-072¡ beyond 19 NM below 3000' 120¡-149¡ beyond 12 NM below 3500' 120¡-149¡ beyond 30 NM below 5500' 150¡-220¡ beyond 12 NM below 3500' 150¡-220¡ beyond 35 NM below 5500' 221¡-273¡ beyond 33 NM below 5000' 274¡-321¡ beyond 21 NM below 5000' 322¡-337¡ beyond 13 NM below 3000' 322¡-337¡ beyond 27 NM below 6000' 338¡-009¡ beyond 7 NM below 3000' 338¡-009¡ beyond 27NM below 6000' DME portion unusable 340¡-220¡ beyond 25 NM below 3000' 230¡-280¡ beyond 15 NM below 2500' 221¡-340¡ beyond 25 NM below 4000' ORCHY NDB (LOM) 385 UR 40¡51'59"N 73¡48'14"W 222¡ 6.2 NM to fld. PETHS NDB (LOM) 332 LG 40¡42'52"N 73¡55'47"W 047¡ 4.6 NM to fld. PALISADES PARK NDB (MHW) 233 PPK 40¡49'45"N 73¡58' 30"W 136¡ 5.6 NM to fld. ILS 110.5 I-LGA Rwy 04 LOM PETHS NDB. ILS/DME 108.5 I-GDI Chan 22 Rwy 13. Glide Slope unusable beyond 5¡ left side of LOC courses. ILS 110.5 I-URD Rwy 22 LOM ORCHY NDB. ILS/DME 108.5 I-PZV Chan 22 Rwy 31 LOC only. LOC unusable beyond 18¡ right side of course. CHARTS: NEW YORK COPTER H-6I, L-24H, 25C, 28G IAP $ CHICAGO-O HARE INTL (ORD) 13.9 NW UTC-6(-5DT) 41¡58'46"N 87¡54'16"W 667 S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A1 OX 1, 2, 3, LRA ARFF Index E RWY 14R-32L: H13000X200 (ASPH-GRVD) S-100, D-185, DT-350 HIRL CL RWY 14R: ALSF2. TDZ. RWY 32L: MALSR. TDZ. RWY 09R-27L: H10141X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-100, D-185, DT-350 HIRL CL RWY 09R: MALSR. TDZ. RWY 27L: MALSR. SSALR. TDZ. Sign. RWY 14L-32R: H10003X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-100, D-185, DT-350 HIRL CL RWY 14L: ALSF2. TDZ. Light Pole. RWY 32R: MALSR. TDZ. RWY 04R-22L: H8071X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-100, D-200, DT-350 HIRL RWY 04R: MALSR. Tree. RWY 22L: MALSR. Light standard. RWY 09L-27R: H7966X150 (ASPH-CONC) S-100, D-210, DT-350 HIRL CL RWY 09L: MALSR. TDZ. RWY 27R: MALSR. TDZ. Sign. RWY 04L-22R: H7500X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-100, D-185, DT-350 HIRL RWY 04L: Light stand. RWY 22R: MALSR. Tree. RWY 18-36: H5341X150 (ASPH) S-60, D-100, DT-150 MIRL RWY 18: Tree. AIRPORT REMARKS: Special Air Traffic Rules--Part 93, High Density Arpt, prior reservations required. Attended continuously. Landing fee. Rwy 14L-32R grooved 9580'X150', 423' rwy end 14L not grooved. Rwy 18 closed takeoff. Unlighted 867' MSL crane 1 mile NW append rwy 14L. Birds on and in vicinity of arpt. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. Note: See Special Notices--Operational Reservations for High Density Airports. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE-- Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 135.4 (312) 686-2108 UNICOM 122.95 KANKAKEE FSS (IKK) LC 626-8266. TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE ORD. (R) CHICAGO APP CON 119.0 (360¡-179¡) 125.7 (180¡-359¡) 121.15 124.35 128.45 O'HARE TOWER 126.9 (N) 120.75 (S) 126.2 GND CON 121.75 (outbound) 121.9 (inbound) CLNC DEL 121.6 119.25 PRE-TAXI CLNC 121.6 119.25 GND METERING 121.675 (R) CHICAGO DEP CON 125.0 (340¡-159¡) 125.4 (220¡-339¡) 127.4 (160¡-219¡) TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE ORD. (L) VORW/DME 113.9 ORD Chan 86 41¡59'16"N 87¡54'17"W at fld. 650/2E. See Special Notices. VOR unusable: 140¡-155¡ beyond 15 NM all altitudes 100¡-140¡ and 155¡-060¡ beyond 35 NM below 2500' DEANA NDB (H-SAB/LOM) 350 [X] ME 41¡58'04"N 88¡01'35"W 083¡ 5.5 NM to fld. Unmonitored. General outlook only on TWEB 0400-1100Z||. INDDY NDB (LOM) 385 ID 41¡54'17"N 87¡48'22"W 316¡6.3 NM to fld. Unmonitored. LEAMA NDB (LOM) 368 OH 42¡04'09"N 87¡59'27"W 144¡6.6 NM to fld. JOCKY NDB (LOM) 257 RV 41¡53'40"N 87¡49'35"W 326¡6.2 NM to fld. Unmonitored. ROAMY NDB (LOM) 394 OR 42¡03'21"N 88¡00'28"W 135¡ 6.5 NM to fld. TAFFS NDB (LOM) 414 IA 41¡59'04"N 87¡47'20"W 267¡5.2 NM to fld. Unmonitored. ILS 110.7 I-IDN Rwy 32R. LOM INDDY NDB. ILS 110.5 I-JAV Rwy 09L. ILS 110.1 I-LQQ Rwy 22L. ILS/DME 111.1 I-TSL Chan 48 Rwy 27L. ILS/DME 109.7 I-ORD Chan 34 Rwy 14R. LOM ROAMY NDB. ILS/DME 111.1 I-MED Chan 48 Rwy 09R. LOM DEANA NDB. ILS 111.3 I-RXZ Rwy 22R. ILS/DME 109.1 I-RVG Chan 28 Rwy 32L. LOM JOCKY NDB. ILS 110.5 I-IAC Rwy 27R. LOM TAFFS NDB. ILS 110.1 I-FJU Rwy 04R. ILS/DME 110.9 I-OHA Chan 46 Rwy 14L. LOM LEAMA NDB. ILS 111.3 I-HNA Rwy 04L. LOC only. CHARTS: CHICAGO COPTER H-3B, L-23A, A IAP CHAMPAIGN (URBANA) $ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-WILLARD (CMI) 5 SW UTC-6(-5DT) 40¡02'23"N 88¡16'40"W 754 B S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A1 + OX 1 ARFF Index A RWY 14R-32L: H8100X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-100, D-180, DT-260 HIRL RWY 14R: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡ TCH 31'. RWY 32L: MALSR. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡ TCH 54'. RWY 04L-22R: H5301X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-100, D-180, DT-260 MIRL RWY 04L: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡ TCH 45'. RWY 22R: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡ TCH 41'. Tree. RWY 18-36: H5299X150 (CONC) S-40, D-50, DT-90 MIRL RWY 36: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡ TCH 40'. Tree. AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended 1100-0530Z||. PPR for unscheduled air carrier operations with more than 30 passenger seats, call arpt manager 217-244-8604. Rwy 4R-22L and 14L-32R VFR day only, restricted to authorized Flight Schools only. Fuel avbl 1200-0400Z||, other times ctc fixed base opr. When twr clsd HIRL Rwy 14R-32L preset low ints, to increase ints and ACTIVATE MIRL Rwys 04L-22R and 18-36 and MALSR Rwy 32L--CTAF. Itinerant parking on southeast ramp only. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE--Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways COMMUNICATIONS: CTAF 120.4 ATIS 124.85 UNICOM 122.95 ST LOUIS FSS (STL) TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE CMI. CHAMPAIGN RCO 122.45 122.1R 110.0T (ST LOUIS FSS) (R) CHAMPAIGN APP/DEP CON 132.85 (134¡-312¡) 121.35 (313¡-133¡) 118.25 (1200-0600Z||) CHICAGO CENTER APP/DEP CON 121.35 (0600-1200Z||) CHAMPAIGN TOWER 120.4 (1200-0600Z||) GND CON 121.8 CLNC DEL 128.75 ARSA ctc APP CON RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE CMI. CHAMPAIGN (L) VORTAC 110.0 CMI Chan 37 40¡02'04"N 88¡16'34"W at fld. 750/3E. VEALS NDB (LOM) 407 CM 39¡57'58"N 88¡10'57"W 315¡6.2 NM to fld. Unmonitored. ILS 109.1 I-CMI Rwy 32R. LOM VEALS NDB. Unmonitored when twr clsd. ASR CHARTS: CHICAGO H-4H, L-23A IAP LAMBERT-ST LOUIS INTL (STL) 10 NW UTC-6(-5DT) 38¡44'52"N 90¡21'36"W 605 B S4 FUEL 100, 100LL, JET A1 + OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LRA ARFF Index D RWY 12R-30L: H11019X200 (CONC-GRVD) S-75, D-200, DT-350, DDT- 760 HIRL CL .3% up SE RWY 12R: SSALR. TDZ. Thld dsplcd 457'. Road. Rgt tfc. Arresting device. RWY 30L: MALSR. VASI(V4R)--GA 3.0¡TCH 58' Thld dsplcd 200'. Sign. Arresting device. RWY 12L-30R: H9003X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-75, D-200, DT-350, DDT- 760 HIRL CL .9% up SE RWY 12L: MALSR TDZ. VASI(V4R)--GA 3.1¡TCH 51'. Tree. RWY 30R: ALSF2. TDZ. VASI(V4R)--GA 3.0¡TCH 57'. Tower. Rgt tfc. RWY 06-24: H7602X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-75, D-176, DT-280, DDT- 660 HIRL RWY 06: MALSR. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 51'. Tree. Arresting device. RWY 24: MALS. Tree. RWY 13-31: H6286X75 (ASPH) S-70, D-85 MIRL RWY 13: Pole. RWY 31: Thld dsplcd 1837'. Road. RWY 17-35: H3008X75 (ASPH) S-44, HIRL RWY 17: Railroad. RWY 35: Thld dsplcd 150'. AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Landing fee. Landing fee based on acft weight collected by FBO. Rwy 06-24 L-1011 and DC-10-10-400, DC-10-30-450. Rwy 12L-30R and Rwy 12R-30L L- 1011-480, DC-10-30-550, DC-10-10-450. No practice approaches unless authorized by twr and/or arpt authority.180' lgtd tower 3 NM SW. No student solo opr permitted. A-Gear Rwy 06 1450', Rwy 12R 1090', Rwy 30L 1300' and Rwy 12L 3900' from thld. Landings not authorized Rwy 31. Rwy 17-35 HIRL located 47.5' off marked edges of Rwy. Rwy 12L VASI offset 5¡N to accomodate LDA/DME approach to Rwy 12L. Rwy 30L VASI offset 5¡S to accomodate LDA/DME approach to Rwy 30L. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE- Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LAWRS. LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 119.925 314-427-2230 (HIGH) 120.45. UNICOM 122.95 ST LOUIS FSS (STL) LC-532-1011. NOTAM FILE STL. ST LOUIS RCO 122.6 (ST LOUIS FSS) (R) ST LOUIS APP CON 126.5 (S-W) 125.15 (N-E) 123.7(1200-0500Z||) 120.05 (0500-1200Z||) (R) ST LOUIS DEP CON 118.95 (S-W) 119.15 (N-E) 124.9 119.75 (1200- 0500Z||) 120.05 (0500-1200Z||) ST LOUIS TWR 118.5 (South) 120.05 (North) 120.05 (0500- 1200Z||). GND CON 121.9 121.65 CLNC DEL 119.5 PRE-TAXI CLNC 119.5 TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE STL. ST LOUIS (H) VORTAC 117.4 STL Chan 121 38¡51'38"N 90¡28'56"W 135¡ 8.9 NM to fld. 450/5E OBLIO NDB (HW/LOM) 338 LM 38¡48'01"N 90¡28'29"W 117¡ 6.2 NM to fld. ZUMAY NDB (LOM) 404 ST 38¡47'17"N 90¡16'44"W 235¡ 4.5 NM to fld. ILS 111.5 I-BKY Rwy 30L. LDA/DME 110.55 I-FXD Rwy 30L. LDA unusable beyond 20 degrees either side of centerline. ILS 111.3 I-SJW Rwy 30R. ILS/DME 110.3 I-STL Chan 40 Rwy 24 LOM ZUMAY NDB Glide slope coupled apch not authorized below 844'. ILS 109.7 I-LMR Rwy 12R LOM OBLIO NDB. LDA/DME 110.1 I-ABW Chan 38 Rwy 12L ILS 108.9 I-LDZ Rwy 12L CHARTS: ST LOUIS H-4G, L-21B, A IAP $ SAN FRANCISCO INTL (SFO) 8 SE UTC-8(-7DT) 37¡37'09"N 122¡22'26"W 11 S4 FUEL 100, 100LL OX 1, 2, 3, 4 LRA ARFF Index E RWY 10L-28R: H11870X200 (ASPH-GRVD) S-60, D-200, DT-355, DDT- 710 HIRL CL RWY 10L: REIL. VASI(V6L)--Upper GA 3.25¡TCH 109', Lower GA 3.0¡TCH 69'. Transmission tower. RWY 28R: ALSF2. TDZ. Rgt tfc. RWY 10R-28L: H10600X200 (ASPH-GRVD) S-60, D-200, DT-355, DDT- 710 HIRL CL RWY 10R: VASI(V6L)--Upper GA 3.25¡TCH 101', Lower GA 3.0¡TCH 60'. Transmission tower. Rgt tfc. RWY 28L: SSALR. RWY 01R-19L: H8901X200 (ASPH-GRVD) S-60, D-195, DT-325, DDT- 710 HIRL CL RWY 01R: REIL. Thld dsplcd 492'. Blast fence. RWY 19L: SSALS. TDZ. RWY 01L-19R: H7001X200 (ASPH) S-60, D-170, DT-270, DDT-710 HIRL RWY 01L: REIL. Trees. RWY 19R: VASI(V6L)--Upper GA 3.25¡ TCH 79', Lower GA 3.0¡TCH 47'. AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Rwy 19L SALSF are only 1100' long with only one flasher on the last light station. Flocks of birds feeding along shoreline adjacent to arpt; on occasions fly across various parts of arpt. Noise sensitive arpt. For noise abatement procedures ctc arpt noise office Monday-Friday 1600-0100Z|| by calling 415-876-2220. Ldg fee. Rubber accumulated on first 3000 feet of Rwys 28L-28R. Rwy 10L- 28R east 4000' grooved. Rwy 10R-28L east 4000' grooved. Rwy 01R-19L 5200' grooved; grooved areas include south thld to taxiway Hotel intersection (2000'); between Rwys 28L and 28R (600'); and taxiway Charlie to north thld (2600'). Rwys 01L- 19R, 01R-19L, 10L-28R and 10R-28L gross weight limit DC-10-10 430,000 pounds, DC-10-30 555,000 pounds, L-1011-100 450,000 pounds, L-1011-200 466,000 pounds, B-747 710,000 pounds. 747- 400's shall taxi at a speed of less than 10 miles per hour on all non-restricted taxiways on the terminal side of the intersecting rwys. Movement speed of not more than 5 miles per hour is required when two 747-400's pass or overtake each other on parallel taxiways A and B. 747-400's are restricted from using Taxiway E to or from Taxiway B. 747-400's are restricted from using Taxiway C, west of taxiway Q. Airline pilots shall strictly follow the painted nose-gear lines and no oversteering adjustment is permitted. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. NOTE: See SPECIAL NOTICE- Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: AWOS-1 118.05. (San Bruno Hill). LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS (ARR) 118.85 113.7 108.9. (415) 877-3585 (DEP) 135.45 UNICOM 122.95 OAKLAND FSS (OAK) TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE SFO. (R) BAY APP CON 134.5 132.55 135.65. (R) BAY DEP CON 135.1 (SE- W) 120.9 (NW-E) TOWER 120.5 GND CON 121.8 (Gates 53-90 W side) 124.25 (Gates 1-52 E side) 128.65 CLNC DEL 118.2 PRE TAXI CLNC 118.2 TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE SFO. (L) VORW/DME 115.8 SFO Chan 105 37¡37'10"N 122¡22'22"W at fld. 10/17E. VOR/DME unusable: 035-055¡beyond 15 NM below 6500' 025-065¡beyond 30 NM 150- 190¡beyond 25 NM below 4500' 190-260¡beyond 10 NM below 4500' 260-295¡beyond 35 NM below 3000' 295-330¡beyond 20 NM below 4000' BRIJJ NDB (LOM) 379 SF 37¡34'20"N 122¡15'32"W 280¡ 6.2 NM to fld. ILS 109.5 I-SFO Rwy 28L LOM BRIJJ NDB BC unusable beyond 15NM below 2500'. ILS/DME 111.7 I-GWQ Chan 54 Rwy 28R LOM BRIJJ NDB ILS/DME 108.9 I-SIA Chan 26 Rwy 19L BC unusable above 5000'. COMM/NAVID REMARKS: ILS Rwy 19L pilots be alert for momentary LOC course excursions due to large acft opr in vicinity of LOC antenna. ATIS frequency 108.9 avbl when SFO VOR out of service (415) 877-3585. CHARTS: SAN FRANCISCO H-2G, L-2F, A IAP OAKLAND $ METROPOLITAN OAKLAND INTL (OAK) 4 S UTC-8(-7DT) 37¡43'17"N 122¡13'11"W06 B S4 FUEL 100LL, JET A OX 1, 2, 3, 4 TPA--See Remarks LRA ARFF Index D RWY 11-29: H10000X150 (ASPH-GRVD) S-200, D-200, DT-400, DDT- 900 HIRL CL RWY 11: MALSR. Rgt tfc. RWY 29: ALSF1. TDZ. RWY 09R-27L: H6212X150 (ASPH-PFC) S-75, D-200, DT-400, DDT- 800 HIRL RWY 09R: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 46'. Tree. RWY 27L: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 55'. RWY 09L-27R: H5453X150 (ASPH) S-75, D-115, DT-180 HIRL RWY 09L: VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 38'. Building. RWY 27R: MALSR. Building. Rgt tfc. RWY 15-33: H3366X75 (ASPH) S-12.5, D-65, DT-100 HIRL RWY 33: Rgt tfc. AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Fee Rwy 11-29 and tiedown. Birds on and in vicinity of arpt. Rwy 09L-27R and Rwy 15-33 CLOSED to air carrier acft, except air carrier acft may use Taxiways 09L and 27R for taxiing. All turbo-jet/fan acft, all 4-engine acft and turbo-prop acft with certificated gross weight over 12,500 pounds are prohibited from tkf Rwys 27R/27L or ldg Rwy 09L and Rwy 09R. Preferential rwy use program in effect 0600-1400Z||: All acft preferred north fld arrive Rwys 27R/27L or Rwy 33; all acft preferred northfld dep Rwys 09R/09L or Rwy 15. If these rwys unacceptable for safety or ATC instructions then Rwy 11-29 must be used. These prohibitions not applicable in emerg or whenever Rwy 11-29 is closed due to maintenance, construction or safety. For noise abatement information ctc noise abatement office at 415-577- 4036. Acft with experimental or limited certification having over 1,000 horsepower or 4,000 pounds are restricted to Rwy 11- 29. Rwy 09R-27L FAA gross weight strength DC 10-10 350,000 pounds, DC 10-30 450,000 pounds, L-1011 350,000 pounds. Rwy 11- 29 FAA gross weight strength DC 10-10 600,000 pounds, DC 10-30 700,000 pounds, L-1011 600,000 pounds. TPA--Rwy 27L 606(600), TPA--Rwy 27R 1006(1000). Rwy 29 centerline lgts 6500'. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS 128.5 (415) 635-5850) (N. and S Complex) UNICOM 122.95 OAKLAND FSS (OAK) on arpt. 122.5 122.2. TF 1-800-WX-BRIEF. NOTAM FILE OAK. (R) BAY APP CON 135.65 133.95 (South) 135.4 134.5 (East) 135.1 (West) 127.0 (North) 120.9 (Northwest) 120.1 (Southeast) OAKLAND TOWER 118.3 (N. Complex) (1500-0600Z||) 127.2 (S. Complex) 124.9 GND CON 121.75 (S. Complex), 121.9 (N. Complex) CLNC DEL 121.1 (R) BAY DEP CON 135.4 (East) 135.1 (West) 127.0 (North) 120.9 (Northwest) ARSA ctc APP CON RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE OAK. OAKLAND (H) VORTAC 116.8 OAK Chan 115 37¡43'34"N 122¡13'21"W at fld. 10/17E RORAY NDB (LMM) 341 AK 37¡43'17"N 122¡11'35"W 253¡ 1.3 NM to fld. ILS 108.7 I-INB Rwy 29 ILS 111.9 I-AAZ Rwy 11 ILS 109.9 I-OAK Rwy 27R LMM RORAY NDB CHARTS: SAN FRANCISCO H-2G, L-2F, A IAP LOS ANGELES $ LOS ANGELES INTL (LAX) 9 SW UTC-8(-7DT) 33¡56'33"N 118¡24'26"W 26 B S4 FUEL 100, 100LL, JET A OX 4 LRA ARFF Index E RWY 07L-25R: H12091X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-175, D-225, DT-400, DDT-900 HIRL CL RWY 07L: MALSR. VASI(V4L)--GA 2.5¡TCH 59'. Building. Rgt tfc. RWY 25R: MALSR. Thld dsplcd 958'. Railroad. RWY 07R-25L: H11096X200 (CONC-GRVD) S-175, D-225, DT-400, DDT-900 HIRL CL RWY 07R: MALSR. VASI(V4L)--GA 3.0¡TCH 56'. Pole. Rgt tfc. RWY 25L: ALSF2. TDZ. Railroad. RWY 06R-24L: H10285X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-175, D-225, DT-400, DDT-900 HIRL CL RWY 06R: MALSR. TDZ. VASI(V6L)--Upper GA 3.25¡TCH 92'. Lower GA 3.0¡TCH 60'. Thld dsplcd 321'. Pole. RWY 24L: MALSR. Rgt tfc. RWY 06L-24R: H8925X150 (CONC-GRVD) S-175, D-225, DT-400, DDT- 900 HIRL CL RWY 06L: MALSR. VASI(V6L)--Upper GA 3.25¡TCH 94'. Lower GA 3.0¡TCH 54'. RWY 24R: ALSF2. TDZ. Sign. Rgt tfc. AIRPORT REMARKS: Attended continuously. Use extreme CAUTION-- tubulence may be deflected upward from the blast fence 160' E of Rwy 25R. CAUTION: Impaired wing clearance may exist on taxiway J between 30K and 19K when taxilane K occupied; 165' centerline to centerline Twr will advise. Rwy 07L-25R hold lines have been relocated N on Taxiways 28J, 30J, 32J, 36J and 42J. Practice instrument approaches and touch and go landings are prohibited. Taxiway Tango between taxilanes 32 and 35 north of terminal one is restricted to B-767 or smaller acft. Taxiways 2L, 8L, 11F, 20G, 30L, 32L, 36L, 42L, T33, and 32S will not accommodate A B747-200. Noise sensitive arpt. On westerly tkfs no turns before crossing shoreline. Over-ocean apchs utilized 0800-1430Z||. Rwy 24R ALSF2 operates as SSALR till weather goes below VFR. Rwy 25L ALSF2 operates as SSALR until weather goes below VFR. Rwy 07L-25R FAA strength evaluation DC-10-10 540,000 lbs, DC-10-30 600,000 lbs, L-1011 600,000 lbs, B747-SP 630,000 lbs. Rwy 06L-24R FAA strength evaluation DC-10-10 430,000 lbs, DC-10-30 510,000 lbs, L-1011 510,000 lbs. Rwy 07R-25L FAA strength evaluation DC-10-10 400,000 lbs, DC-10-30 600,000 lbs, L-1011 600,000 lbs, B747-SP 710,000 lbs. Rwy 06R-24L FAA strength evaluation DC-10-10 340,000 lbs, DC-10-30 480,000 lbs, L-1011 480,000 lbs. Dual wheel acft up to 200,000 lbs, dual tandem wheel up to 350,000 lbs and double dual tanden wheel up to 834,000 lbs and DC10-10 to 430,000 lbs, DC10-30 to 578,000 lbs and L-1011 to 466,000 lbs and A-300 to 366,000 lbs regularly opr on all rwys. A 700'X500' clearway has been established at west end of Rwy 24L. Numerous birds on and in vicinity of airport. Rwy 25R MALSR out of service indefinitely. Flight Notification Service (ADCUS) available. WEATHER DATA SOURCES: LLWAS. COMMUNICATIONS: ATIS ARRIVAL 133.8 ATIS DEP 135.65 (213) 646- 2297 UNICOM 122.95 HAWTHORNE FSS (HHR) LC 777-7255. NOTAM FILE LAX. (R) APP CON 128.5 (045¡-089¡), 124.9 (090¡-224¡), 124.5 (225¡-044¡) TOWER 133.9 (N. complex), 120.95 (S. complex), 119.8 120.35 (helicopters), GND CON 121.75 (S. complex), 121.65 (N. complex) CLNC DEL 121.4 (R) DEP CON 125.2 (249¡-044¡) 124.3 (045¡-248¡) TCA: See VFR Terminal Area chart. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: NOTAM FILE LAX. (H) VORTAC 113.6 LAX Chan 83 33¡55'59"N 118¡25'52"W 050¡ 1.3 NM to fld. 180/15E VOR unusable 270-280¡ 17-35 NM below 8000' 280-300¡ 10-20 NM below 8000' ROMEN NDB (LOM) 278 OS 33¡57'54"N 118¡16'37"W 244¡ 6.6 NM to fld. ILS/DME 108.5 I-OSS Chan 22 Rwy 24R LOM ROMEN NDB ILS/DME 108.5 I-HQB Chan 22 Rwy 24L LOM ROMEN NDB ILS/DME 109.9 I-LAX Chan 36 Rwy 25L ILS/DME 109.9 I-CFN Chan 36 Rwy 25R ILS/DME 111.7 I-UWU Chan 54 Rwy 06L ILS/DME 111.7 I-GPE Chan 54 Rwy 06R ILS/DME 111.1 I-IAS Chan 48 Rwy 07L ILS/DME 111.1 I-MKZ Chan 48 Rwy 07R CHARTS: LOS ANGELES COPTER H-2G, L-3B, A IAP